Tai Chi in the Rehabilitation Centre

Created: Saturday, 20 October 2018

taichi I am barely for 24 hours in Nyahururu and already involved in a small Tai Chi demonstration. And that’s how it happened: On my first day at work, I am introduced by Alice, first to the headquarters of St. Martin, then we visit two of the four homes that they run: Thalita Kumi, the home for HIV-positive children and the rehabilitation centre for street boys. In the latter, boys between 6 and 16 years of age are accommodated, which were picked up on the street. The boys learn there (again) how a normal everyday life looks like. They cook and wash, go to school on the grounds and spend their free time there too. Meanwhile, St. Martin’s social workers are trying to locate their parents or relatives (some are orphans who have not been cared for after the death of their parents). It is clarified why the boys have ended on the street and who can take care of them after their rehabilitation. If there is no possibility within the family, a foster family is searched.

While Alice explained the background to me and the boys told me about their daily routine, we all sat down on the lawn: I as usual cross-legged. And the boys quickly tried to follow suit, causing much laughter while rolling backwards on the lawn. Of course, they wanted to know why I can do that if it comes from sports and if so from which one. So I explained some basics of Tai Chi to them.