Geology Lesson in Hells Gate

Created: Monday, 25 March 2019

hellsgate One of the attractions is a gorge where you can climb down and wander around. But first, you have to hike there: 8km one way from the entrance. But this time all on flat ground, so I had no problem staying with the group. You enter the gorge via a small tributary, just a knee-deep trench in the rock which gradually leads you down until you stand in front of 10-15m high walls of reddish sandstone with different layers and textures. Obviously that I had to examine the geology and give some explanations.   

Further down in the park - unfortunately, we didn't have time to go there - you can find a hot spring which invites for bathing. Kenya has built there a series of geothermal power stations, the Okaria Power Stations. They cover 47% of the country's energy needs and there is still room for increasing this figure. As a geologically active zone with recent volcanism, the east-African rift valley is very suitable for geothermal installation. Strangely, the government is discussing the construction of a gas and even a nuclear power station. In Europe, the countries are abandoning nuclear power and trying to cut down fossil fuel as much as possible. I am wondering if certain industries are now trying to sell there products in Africa instead ...