Where is the water?

waterIn the following two days, I saw people walking around the houses several times, and a number of holes appeared behind the house. Apparently, the problem was that it was not clear where exactly the water pipe runs and where it was connected to the main branch. The whole installation was put into the ground in 1964. Meanwhile, our tanks under the roof were empty (they are not so much for the water pressure, but rather for just such a case like the present one) and we borrowed the garden hose of the neighbouring family. 20 meters from the house there is a small enclosure for the cows of the school; the water pipe there was still running. So we filled all the buckets and basins we had and lived out of them for the next two days. Finally, the pipe and its connections were located and replaced. In addition to the tanks under the roof, there is actually a rainwater tank in the garden. Only at the end of the dry season is it quite empty, especially since I used it to water the garden, It's supposed to be raining heavily at least once a day since mid-March, but so far this has happened only every two weeks and then only light rainfall. The meteorologists say that it could take another two or three weeks, as the hurricanes in Mozambique have upset the regional circulation. And the farmers have already planted and eagerly wait for the rain. With every day it delayed, the harvest shifts backwards. The prices for potatoes have already risen by 50%.